Saturday, May 5, 2007

Paris Hilton boo hoo hoo
Tom Smith

This is baffling.  Rarely have I been so unmoved as by the plight of young Miss Hilton.

You don't have to be some class-enraged lefty to take some satisfaction in the incarceration, however brief, of the egregious social parasite, to indulge in the Marxist tag.  Apparently Lynwood, where Ms. Hilton be heading, is no picnic.  Not Compton, but no picnic, I have read.  In Brooklyn they might say, tough noogies, which captures my sentiments exactly.  She was driving, intoxicated, on a suspended license, the driving on a suspended license being for the second time, and she expects what, a medal?  The fact that she is rich enough to afford a McClaren SLR does in fact make her behavior more culpable.  The other persons at Lynwood, whom we delicately refer to as crack-whores, often have some excuses for being both.  What is Ms. Hilton's excuse?  In fact, I concede it is her business if she wants to abuse drugs and be a kind of prostitute.  But driving drunk endangers others.  She's lucky she didn't kill someone.  Of course she should spend some time in jail, and the judge who decreed it deserves credit for a certain amount of courage and even for a certain sense of the appropriate.  And look, it is not an argument to say, you are putting me in jail just because you hate me for being so disgusting!  Not if you have done something for which we would gladly put you in jail in any event.  If you are a model of public spiritedness and charity, and the behavior is utterly out of character, then you can say, I really don't need jail, I only need to be brought back to myself.  But if a dreadful person does something dreadful, and gets caught, it is asking rather too much of everyone that they not think someone has gotten only what they deserve.

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Tom Smith


The humorous thing here is that she can certainly afford to hire a driver during the period of her suspension, indeed she is frequently seen with a driver when she attends parties and other events.

Posted by: randian | May 6, 2007 6:16:02 AM

I am really glad the judge ordered her to do the straight time. The only thing that would have been better is if he remanded her forthwith. People continue to drive after their license is supended for DUI related crimes all the time. I hope the sentence serves as a deterrent and raises awareness amongst people who flaunt the law so that they take the consequences of their actions more seriously.

Posted by: Timotheus | May 9, 2007 1:37:46 PM