Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christopher Hitchins on Foreign Policy Realists
Mike Rappaport

He writes:

If, when reading an article about the debate over Iraq, you come across the expression "the realist school" and mentally substitute the phrase "the American friends of the Saudi royal family," your understanding of the situation will invariably be enhanced.

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Mike Rappaport


Sort of like "substantive due process" means "All the people I hang out with think it ought to be that way so it must be the law".

Posted by: krm | Dec 20, 2006 11:00:55 AM

Why, because the "idealists" in the Bush administration have been so tough with the Saudis, putting aside our alliance and threatening economic sanctions if they don't improve their human rights record?

There isn't a politician in America who, if made president, would endanger our relationship with the Saudis, and with good reason. For all the talk about our noble goals, vital interests always trump other considerations in foreign policy, for every country in the world including the United States.

Posted by: jon.galacek | Dec 21, 2006 1:04:12 PM