Sunday, August 4, 2024

Britain: This Machete'd Isle - Rod Dreher's Diary

Here’s a link to ongoing Guardian coverage of the unrest. You need to see this astonishing clip, though, from Belfast, where people bearing Union Jacks and the tricolor of the Irish Republic stood on one side of a protest, and people carrying Palestinian and Antifa flags stood on the other. These migration protests have managed to unite Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Wow.

What to think of this? Well, riots are wrong, straight up. There is no justification for them, no matter who’s doing them. Neither side is innocent in this weekend’s events.

But I gotta ask: What did the UK government expect? Since Tony Blair’s premiership began in 1997, successive British governments have either pursued open borders migration, or done nothing to stop it. The British public voted for Brexit to regain border control, but the Tories sold them out. Aris Roussinos, writing in UnHerd, explains in very helpful detail how the British establishment set up this ethnic unrest. It happened through mass migration policies that began under Blair, but continued under the Tories.


Nothing in the US papers. British papers are typically right or left wing. But it all seems concerning.

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There is no longer any trust in the governing class. That is surely becoming evident widely - France, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Canada ...

In the US you have one consolation - the buggers are so incompetent that they mucked up a straightforward assassination.

Posted by: dearieme | Aug 4, 2024 2:04:08 PM